As the title suggests, it is indeed ' REVERSE SKETCHING', or to elaborate more - sketching from outside to inside.
Description: Normally, one tends to sketch from the centre of the paper and take the shades to outside. As I sat observing a photograph of a furry white cat, I said to myself " How would the fur get the feel if I actually sketched this cute animal that has caught my attention?"
Technique: The sketch began with tracing the form from the four corners of the page. A 6 mm graphite pencil making its way through shading thick to thin and loosening up to trace the form in the centre. When the approx form was reached, the details had to be taken care of at once. A thinner graphite would take care of it, like the 4B pencil - darker, smoother, thinner and still maintaining the feel of the fur. The eyes and whiskers were approximately sketched at the concerned position, and further the details needed a finer tip of the pencil. 2B and B pencils took care of the refined sketching of the eyes and whiskers, mouth and the spreading was done with cotton buds. Slowly highlighting the shades that fur create on the snow-white body of this cat and emerging cuteness on the face.
The final touching of highlighting the fur towards outside is taken care of by a sharp edged eraser. This brings out the way fur spreads towards the dark background from a lighter foreground.
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