Sunday, 17 March 2013

Let us Start Sketching!

What do you think when you sit to sketch? Well, to me the first glimpse is me holding the pencil like this! Ofcourse the fingers struggle to a lot many different positions and grips, but that is how you begin...atleast I do!
The sketch came with a thought of presenting something as that first glimpse of the whole profile...thus it came to being with rough strokes, and hazy shading on the way. Those lines that the palm carries at every fold made with the pencil moving in different directions. is not much different than the wrinkles on the face of an old man, finding their way while he talks or smiles ( Just a comparison though to make you compare in an interesting way!)
So, here it is, the first sketch of the post!! Hope you like it....a lot many surprises on the way for all of you!

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